Friday, 23 March 2012

Kony 2012

Codes and Conventions:

Kony 2012 uses many techniques to persuade the viewer to support the cause. Firstly it uses a viral video to let people know about what is happening in Uganda, within the video the the main focus is how Kony treats children and how childrens lives are mad a misery by this one man. This makes want to help and do anything possible to help these children live a better life. The Charity's colours are Red and Black which usually connotes danger but also it can show love and how they want to help these children. The voice over helps anchor and help the viewer understand the text and show Kony in a even worse light as if the voice over was not there the viewer would not know half the thing he has done. The use of fast pace music shows that there will be fast change if you help the cause. The use of personal touch such as showing were your money will be spent in Uganda and the children you will be helping shows that the money is going to be used for a good cause and will help a child live a better life.


In Kony 2012 the first main representation is of Kony, Kony is portrayed in a negative light and spoke of as a beast, It shows what he has done to children and how he makes there life a misery. Also in the video where Jacob is speaking of his brother and starts crying it shows how much of an impact this period of there life has made creating sympathy and making the viewer want to donate. Also as Kony is black it shows how evil and bad he is and how hes on the run which leads to the the theory of Prop were the ethnicitys are sterotyped and made to be seen in a good or bad light

Also after the recent years and events were the youths of our generation are shown to be rebels and not to care Kony 2012 shows how the youths can come together and fight for a good cause, they are made to come together on Facebook which is a big part in most youths lives.

Media Institution:

Kony is promoted is by having the support of celebrities such as Angelina jolie and Rihanna and they promote the stop Kony via twitter and hash tagging which also spreads the message fast and quicker than print like posters and it is also easier to share or comment on it and this is why the riots in London and Arab countries happened. Also the Logo of Kony is a Triangle upside down, which shows the maslows theory of the pyramid has been flipped and that everyone in the public no matter what race, age, socioeconmic group can join and help the cause.

The audience that are being targeted in the video are the younger/teenager audience, This is as they are the ones with the online knowledge and the ones who can use facebook and twitter to get there views heard. Also with the use of Stickers and braclets it can make them think what 'Kony' is and make them want to join. 

1 comment:

  1. Question 2:
    www- mentions theory by Propp and how the video has been spread virally through e-media (facebook).

    ebi - more detailed examples and uses of theory used to describe how Kony is represented. focus on various points rather than a couple.

    Level - 2

    Question 3:
    www - Maslow's hierarchy of needs has been mentioned to describe the logo of Kony 2012 and applied to the relevant example. The mention of twitter and the arab spring briefly is also useful

    ebi - Again, more detailed. Use more examples to explain the impact on the institution

    Level - 2

    Question 4:
    www - Mentions the fact that the younger generations are more knowledgeable when it comes to e-media and very briefly, explains the effects of this.

    ebi - more detailed response was given.

    Level - 1
