Sunday, 29 April 2012

What techniques are used to engage the audience? first technique used to engage the reader is the use of the camera shots, one of the establishing shot of the cabin in the beginning shows the audience how the house were there are going to be living looks. it gives a overall reference to the audience and makes them think and ask questions about what to expect this creating enigma. The trailer is a montage of all different moments through out the movie and build up to the main event the cuts are very noticeable and juxtaposing the images creates a contrast rather than a smooth transition this leading to a greater impact being made on the viewer. The close ups of the face get across the emotion of the actors and emphasises  that they are being tormented by red neck zombies. The lighting throughout the whole trailer is low key this creates more suspense and it also makes the viewer less likely to expect whats coming, this maybe from the sides or behind as theres less light to make references. Also throughout the whole extract you are not given a proper view of the attacker and the person killing everyone, this also creates enigma and makes the viewer think and want to know whats causing all this problem. In the trailer there is alot of non digetic sounds which create an impact, such as when the girl is dared to kiss the animal head the use of slow paced deep music creates suspense and they can expect something bad is going to happen, this leading to the audience feeling more engaged as they dont no what to expect also the use of the heavy metal rock music which starts half way through goes paralell with the type of movie. 

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